71/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners
I know the purpose of this assignment
is just to get us writing a blog and I suspect that the actual substance of the assignment is not very important. Never the less, I think this particular list was pretty lame. Don't get me wrong, I like numbered lists as well as the next person, I just think the traits in this list, while perhaps important for adults beginning to explore some of the tools on the Web 2.0; are not as important as some of the traits that come to my mind when I think of what makes a successful “LLL”. So please bear with me as I offer my list....
71/2 Habits (Generalized), of Successful Life Long Learners
Listed in no particular order….
1. Be curious. The world is a strange and wonderful place. It is a blessing to be here. Be sure to open your eyes, breath deeply, you will not be here forever.
2. Be open-minded. Do not let preconceived notions blind you to unsuspected possibilities and solutions. A receptive state of mind is crucial to gaining insight and to encouraging those “ah ha” moments.
3. Be aware of the goodness in the world. It is my experience that learning comes easier and is more fun for people that believe in the basic goodness of the world, including a belief in the basic goodness and worth of all people.
4. Be patient with yourself and others. Change takes time and learning can be difficult. Sometimes having patience with a teacher will pay rewards in the end- it may be worthwhile to invest the time required to understand what a teacher is communicating.
5. Be open to mystery. Some things are, in essence, mysterious and rightfully should be perceived as such.
6. Know that true beauty is real and absolute. Beauty and truth go hand in hand; the presence of one is an indication of the other.
7. Envision your ideals. Set your goals. Make your plans. Learn as needed.
71/2 Have fun, play; I suspect it is a big part of why we are here.